Original papers in peer-reviewed journals
Holm-Hadulla, RM., Mayer, CH, Wendler, H., Kotera, Y., Kremer T., Herpertz, SC. (2022). Fear, Depression and Well-Being during the Covid-19 Pandemic in German and South African Students: A cross-cultural comparison. Frontiers of Psychology, doi 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.920125
Holm-Hadulla, RM., Klimov, M., Juche, T., Möltner, A., Herpertz, SC. (2021). Well-Being and Mental Health of Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychopathology, doi 10.1159/000519366
Holm-Hadulla, RM. (2020). Creativity and Positive Psychology in Psychotherapy. International Review of Psychiatry, doi 10.1080/09540261.2020.1809355
Holm-Hadulla RM, Wendt AN (2020). Dialectical Thinking: Further Implications for Creativity. Encyclopedia of Creativity, M. Runco & S. Pritzker, Eds., doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-809324-5.23850-9
Holm-Hadulla RM (2019). Sympathy for the Devil – The Creative Transformation of the Evil. Journal of Genius and Eminence, 5 (1), 01-11.
Holm-Hadulla RM, Koutsoukou-Argyraki A (2017). Bipolar Disorder and/or Creative Bipolarity: Robert Schumann’s Exemplary Psychopathology. Psychopathology, 26(4):425-436.
Holm-Hadulla RM, Kousoukou-Argyraki A (2016). Integrative Psychotherapy of Patients With Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorders: The Case of a Musician Suffering From Psychotic Episodes. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, June 30, 2016, https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/int0000049
Holm-Hadulla RM, Koutsoukou-Argyraki A (2015). Mental Health of Students in a Globalized World: Prevalence of Complaints and Disorders, Methods and Effectivity of Counseling, Structure of Mental Health Services. Mental Health & Prevention, 3, 1-4
Holm-Hadulla RM (2015). Comment on “The Death Drive: Phenomenological Perspectives in Contemporary Kleinian Theory by David L. Bell”. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, in press
Holm-Hadulla RM (2014). Creativity, Alcohol and Drug Abuse: The Pop-Icon Jim Morrison. Psychopathology, 47(3), 141-206
Holm-Hadulla RM (2013). The Dialectic of Creativity: Towards an Integration of Neurobiological, Psychological, Socio-Cultural and Practical Aspects of the Creative Process. Creativity Research Journal, 25(3), 293-299
Holm-Hadulla RM (2013). Creativity, Alcohol and Drug Abuse: The Pop-Icon Jim Morrison. Psychopathology, doi 10.1159/ooo354617
Holm-Hadulla RM (2012). Goethe’s Anxieties, Depressive Episodes and (Self-) Therapeutic Strategies. A Contribution to Method Integration in Psychotherapy. Psychopathology, 46, 266-274
Holm-Hadulla RM & Hofmann FH (2012). Counselling, Psychotherapy and Creativity. Asian-Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. doi 10.1080/21507686
Holm-Hadulla RM, Sperth M. & Hofmann FH (2012). Psychotherapie und Kreativität. Familiendynamik, Systemische Praxis und Forschung, 1: 16-23
Holm-Hadulla RM (2011). Creatividad, Depresión y Psicoanálisis: el caso Goethe. Revista Argentina de Psicoanálisis, Vol. 58, No. 4, 695-714
Holm-Hadulla RM Sperth M. & Hofmann FH (2011). Integrative Counselling. Asian-Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24
Holm-Hadulla RM (2010). Depression and Creativity – The Case of the German Poet, Scientist and Statesman J. W. v. Goethe. Journal of Affective Disorders, 127, 43-49
Holm-Hadulla RM (2009). Goethes Studienkrise, Depression und seine Selbstbehandlungsstrategien. Psychotherapeut, 54: 370-376
Holm-Hadulla RM, Hofmann FH, Sperth M & Funke J (2009). Psychische Beschwerden und Störungen von Studierenden. Psychotherapeut, 54: 346-356
Holm-Hadulla RM, Sperth M. & Hofmann FH (2009). Integrative Beratung. Psychotherapeut, 54: 326-333
Holm-Hadulla RM (2006). Aesthetic and Hermeneutic Judgement in Psychotherapy. Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology 123, No.4
Holm-Hadulla RM (2003). Psychoanalysis as a Creative Shaping Process. Int. J. Psychoanal. 84: 1203-1220
Holm-Hadulla RM (2002). Coaching. Psychotherapeut, 47: 241-248
Holm-Hadulla RM (2000). Die therapeutische Beziehung. Psychotherapeut, 45: 124-136
Holm-Hadulla RM (2000). Hermeneutik als Basis psychotherapeutischen Handelns. Klin. Psychol. Psychiat. Psychother., 4: 406-418
Holm-Hadulla RM, Soeder U (1997). Psychische Störungen von Studierenden. PPmP Psychother. Psychosom. med. Psychol., 47: 419-425
Holm-Hadulla RM, Kiefer L, Sessar W (1997). Zur Effektivität tiefenpsychologisch fundierter Kurz- und Psychotherapien. PPmP Psychother. Psychosom. med. Psychol., 47: 271-278
Holm-Hadulla RM (1996). Allgemeine und Hermeneutische Psychotherapie. Psychotherapeut, 41: 355-360
Holm-Hadulla RM (1996). The Creative Aspect of Dynamic Psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 50: 360-369
Holm-Hadulla RM (1995). Sobre la evidencia estetica en el encuentro psicoterapeutico. Actas Luso Esp. Neurol. Psiquiatr. Cienc. Afines, 23 (3): 156-61
Holm-Hadulla RM (1995). Psicoterapia integrativa y psicoterapia hermenéutica. Revista Chilena de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 33: 251-261
Holm-Hadulla RM (1994). Psychotherapeutische Beratung und Behandlung von Studierenden im Rahmen einer psychotherapeutischen Beratungsstelle. PPmP Psychother. Psychosom. med.Psychol., 44: 15-21
Holm-Hadulla RM (1993). Hermenéutica y Experiencia Estética en el Psychoanalysis. Revista Chilena de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 31: 5-11
Holm-Hadulla RM (1991). Consideraciones sobre la psicoterapia breve de orientación analitica como método hermenéutico. Revista Chilena de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 29: 4-8
Holm-Hadulla RM (1990). Institutionalisierte Dienste und Beratungsangebote in Deutschland. Zsch. psychosom. Med., 36: 166-169
Holm-Hadulla RM (1990). Der hermeneutische Aspekt von analytisch orientierten (Kurz-)Psychotherapien. PpmP Psychother. Psychosom. med. Psychol., 40: 186-191
Holm-Hadulla RM (1988). Über den strukturellen Zusammenhang schizophrener Denk- und Sprachstörungen mit wahnhaftem Erleben und Abwandlungen der Intentionalität. Fortschr. Neurol. Psychiat., 56: 1-7
Holm-Hadulla RM (1986). Sobre las relaciones entre lenguaje, delirio e intencionalidad en la esquizofrenia. Revista Chilena de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 24: 9-15
Holm-Hadulla RM, Benzenhöfer U (1985). Psychosomatisches zum Asthma bei Marcel Proust. Materialien Psychoanalyse und analytisch orientierter Psychotherapie, 11: 210-222
Holm-Hadulla RM, Haug F (1984). Die Interpretation von Sprichwörtern als klinische Methode zur Erfassung schizophrener Denk-, Sprach- und Symbolisationsstörungen. Nervenarzt, 55: 496-503
Holm-Hadulla RM (1982). Der ‘Konkretismus’ als Ausdruck schizophrenen Denkens, Sprechens und Verhaltens. Nervenarzt, 53: 524-529